
Indirizzo: Via A. Tripoli n. 73 - Camporotondo Etneo (Frazione di Piano Tavola) (CT)

Telefono: +39 3208662973 - +39 3459115813


Coordinate GPS: 37.53582343956925; 14.992963671684265


Camperlot - Area di sosta camper e roulotte

- 15% discount on entry fee

Looking for a quiet place to spend a day of absolute relaxation with your friends?
We have the right solution for you!
And, if you do not have a camper but just wanting to make a nice escape, Camperlot's barbecue is a phenomena: great and satisfying also for large groups !!!
Camper & Caravan Park Area
Camper Service - Equipped Area - Barbecue Area.


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